In 2014, thanks to Mwendo Bora D.G., the Mwendo Bora school project was established in Lamu under the Swiss and German leadership of Karin Howell and Susanne Preiss. Thanks to this privately run aid project, 220 children.
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Unfortunately, Lamu is also a place that has no regulated waste disposal. As people lived for years without packaging and plastic, they never really learned how to handle it.
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MangoTree is a construction project in northern Kenya on the Lamu archipelago. It consists of new school grounds with space for children to play and explore, providing girls and boys regardless of religion with a safe and appropriate learning environment.
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Said, a local on Lamu, founded a kindergarten for children from the poorest backgrounds. He taught the children at home with the support of his daughter and offered them a daily meal. When Gabi Nahmani and Karin Howell heard about this, they helped Said to push the kindergarten forward
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